3.4 Transient Menus

Kubed provides a set of keyboard-driven transient menus (see (transient)Top) that you can use to explore and invoke various commands. Transient menus show you available commands along with their key bindings, which helps you use many different commands without the need to remember the key bindings for all them. Additionally, the transient menus allow you to specify options and switches for the commands you invoke, which may not be available when invoking these commands directly. For example, while you can invoke command kubed-logs directly to view logs from a container running in Kubernetes, the “Kubernetes Logs” transient menu which you open with kubed-transient-logs lets you set a maximum number of logs to retrieve, among other knobs and handles.

The Kubed main transient menuThe Kubed Exec transient menu

Explore Kubed commands with transient menus

Command kubed-transient opens the Kubed “root” transient menu, which is a dispatch that lets you access different transient menus, such as the aforementioned “Kubernetes Logs” transient menu. It’s a good idea to bind kubed-transient to a convenient key, either in the global keymap or under kubed-prefix-map:

(keymap-global-set "s-k" #'kubed-transient)
(keymap-set kubed-prefix-map "k" #'kubed-transient)

In Kubed resource list buffers, type ? to pop up a transient menu with commands that are specific to the type of resources the buffer displays. See Browse Resources.